Friday, October 25, 2013

[Standard] RTR to Theros set Orzhov Triad of Fates Deck

Here is a fun deck showcasing Triad of Fates.

[Standard] RTR to Theros set Simic Prophet of Kruphix Deck

Here is a fun deck showcasing Prophet of Kruphix

Sunday, October 20, 2013

[Standard] Varolz for RTR to Theros set

This deck works on using Varolz to drop counters on hexproof creatures, and let Vraska and Abrupt Decay wipe out pesky permanents.

[Standard] RTR-Theros set Gruul deck testing both weapons

This deck avoids expensive cards and plays very well.

[Standard] RTR-Theros set Gruul deck testing out Devotion

Here is another deck avoids expensive cards and plays very well.

[Standard] RTR-Theros set basic Gruul deck

Gruul is great for playing out a bunch of creatures in your first few turns. Enjoy!!!

Buys for RTR to Theros set standard

My first batch is for devotion to green, Gruul, and to see how the green and red god weapons play out. Here is $10 to Gruul.

[Standard] Fun Devotion to Green RTR-Theros set deck

This deck avoids expensive cards and plays very well.

[Modern] Mirrodin Block: Sunburst and Modular

As money permits I have been trying out specific abilities from each block in Modern. Mirrodin is the first block of this format, and Radiance is, unlike Affinity, an ability that did not survive Modern competitive play. This build is casual and good just to earn how this ability works. There is also a modular card in this deck (Arcbound Worker).

[Modern] Mirrodin Block: Affinity and Modular

As money permits I have been trying out specific abilities from each block in Modern. Mirrodin is the first block of this format, and Affinity its most famous and infamous ability. It is still a dominant deck in Modern even after getting most of its cards banned. This build is casual and good just to earn how this ability works. There is also a modular card in this deck (Arcbound Worker).

Monday, October 14, 2013

[Standard] Rakdos for the current meta

Boros Reckoner is the new Thragtusk all right. This card is in almost every deck I have played in tournament practice. I have also come against some token decks.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Modern Staples Reference {paper}

I am revisiting a lookup I did November of 2012 and another I did more recently shown here first. The more recent lookup shows the effect on prices from the issuance of Modern Masters.

Here is the November 2012 one. This lookup focused on the total number of cards found in a large sample of tournament decks.

I have bought a few of the cheaper staples recently, but I am always running out of money! Oh, well....

A lot has been happening in Modern thanks to seemingly well-planned efforts by Wizards. Thoughtseize is in Theros, and its price, especially online, has decreased by a lot.

The really expensive cards except for Thoughtseize continue to be the really expensive cards. Tarmogoyf, Dark Confidant, and Vendilion Clique were in Modern Masters and have increased in price! The Zendikar block fetchlands were not in Modern Masters and IMHO desperately need to be reprinted. Several cards are rotating out of standard, but that is not decreasing their price, at least as paper cards: Liliana of the Veil, Geist of Saint Traft, and Snapcaster Mage. I very much hope that there is a second Modern Masters!