Monday, May 6, 2013

Deck building for ISD to DGM Standard

[follow this link to the previous phase of standard-to GTC]

Because of the multicolored nature of the RTR block, the four-color and five-color decks are quite doable, even with a limited budget.

Interestingly enough, Crackling Perimeter, a fairly obscure uncommon from Gatecrash, has been my centerpiece in preparation for the release of Dragon's Maze.

1. Crackling Perimeter Miracles Deck (pre-DGM)
Miracles are the closest equivalent to Infect or Curses decks I can think of. Decks with miracles are very dependent on the draw, and if you run a few, you will eventually see the need to run as many of them as possible. This deck started as a Gates-only Maze's End deck, but I then trimmed it and added more miracles to it. It can actually win in tournament practice, something none of my previous cheapo decks have ever been able to.

DGM decks.

2. Five Dollars for Azorious
I paid the bots $5 to make a better casual Azorious deck.

3.Master of Cruelties DGM Build Around
I bought four packs of DGM online, and in my very first pack I pulled a Master of Cruelties.

4. Pack Rat is back for DGM: Meet Blood Scrivener
I bought a play set of Blood Scrivener and an additional Mutilate for a mono-black build (always my favorite deck).