Name says it all: Iroas. I got to play Iroas's Champion some in this deck, but with its stats it is only a good support card, and has good-enough devotion for Iroas.
Here is a loss against an Abzan competitive deck. I hate it when people play last cycle's competitive decks in Just for Fun, yet sometimes I get lucky and beat one of these decks. Not this time! I had my opponent down to 5 but their deck had many answers.
After my flyer went hiding under their enchantment it was time for Ashen Rider and Champion of Stray Souls to combo off until I had lost a bunch of permanents, including a few lands.
This is not a good position to be in...
Here an attrition game I won against Warriors.
I slowly picked off my opponent's critters.
But those warriors kept coming.
Then I landed a Sarkhan and either hit with it flying or picked off a Warrior.
Here is a win against a mono-blue deck. My two High Sentinels of Arashin have already been sent back to my hand and one of my critters is enchanted shut.
But I had creatures coming in a good flow and my opponent did not put up enough of a fight. Maybe they didn't draw their Ensoul Artifact in time.
Here is a win against yet another mono-blue deck.
Again, my deck just kept those creatures coming.
Here is a win against a deck playing one of the off-color Dragons. Definitely the type of deck that could only survive in Modern. I love Dragons, but not many of the casual Dragons in Dragons of Tarkir.