Saturday, September 15, 2018

Trostani Selesnya Commander Build (Ravnica I + II)

I picked a solid selection from both blocks for this build.

I can't wait to enrich this deck with three more sets of Ravnica!

Crown of Convergence is very interesting. I am forced to choose between keeping something on top of my deck that I need but is not a creature, therefore cannot buff, such as a land; or a creature that is one or both colors (latter is a +2/+2 buff, which is great).

It's a tokens deck!

Conclave's Blessing can be used to make quite the fat butt on a creature.

Enchanting Privileged Position with Elemental Resonance generate five additional mana every turn.

Here, I only get a +1/+1 buff from Sunspire Griffin.

Here is the great buff from Collective Blessing.

Armada Wurm generates a 5/5 Wurm, and this is exactly the token I need for Populate triggers.

I can keep making 5/5 tokens for 1WG from Trostani.

And on top of the Populate benefit, I can buff +2/+2 in this board state.

And then keep making more 5/5 tokens.

And even more 5/5 tokens.