Sunday, May 17, 2020

Core Set Cube Tribal Leading Cards

Some are lords, others are enablers for the tribe. I have picked three of each, but there are more. Merfolk, for example, have many lords. Knights are a better pick than Soldiers, but I want to start the deck-building with the Tenth Edition lords.

The other Soldier lord is in M10, and is way heavier. I think Knights would be a better fit, but the snowflake starts with Tenth Edition.

Soldiers need more help than the other tribes, and we need to go farther afield to find a leading Soldier that is very good in play. Unfortunately, Brimaz is an expensive card.

Merfolk need no help. Here are three lords. They are several others.

Zombies are not as well-represented with low-casting lords as Merfolk, but there are still enough for a solid build. Lord of the Undead, like Brimaz, is also a little on the expensive side.

Death Baron also help Skeletons, but I don't see that as a snowflake for another tribal build. It would be interesting to build Skeletons, but not interesting enough as of the current card selection.

Goblins have solid lords, and then there is Krenko.

Krenko is just bonkers. One of my favorite Magic cards of all time.

Last, but not least, Elves, with a really explosive build. This is my favorite tribe.

I will aim for eight total cards from each of the three here to get started with builds.