It also means that it is entirely possible for the next block to have a bunch of multicolored cards just because they sell packs to noobs like yours truly.
I am all for a wedge block with lots of artifacts and multicolored cards that is effectively Return to Kamigawa and heavy on tribal. It will seem like a cross between a cow, a chicken, and a snake, but it will be a lot of fun.
Such a hybrid block could solve multiple problems at once: heal the wounds of Kamigawa block, make a super cube with Shards of Alara possible and totally awesome, increase the supply of fetchlands, add even more multicolored awesomeness to Magic, and bring back tribal that merges well with Lorwyn.
If we look at the Modern blocks issued to date:
- Mirrodin is paired with Scars of Mirrodin
- Kamigawa is unparied although it goes well with Innistrad (spirits)
- Ravnica is paired with Return to Ravnica
- Time Spiral is unpaired
- Lorwyn is unpaired
- Shadowmoor is unpaired although it goes well with Theros because of devotion
- Shards of Alara is unpaired
- Zendikar is unpaired although it goes well with any tribal block
- Innistrad is unparied although it goes well with any tribal block
- Theros is unpaired