Saturday, August 3, 2019

A Brawl Remebrance: Valduk (Dominaria)

I am really looking forward to the revival of Brawl in the Fall. In the meantime, here is a current brawl deck in the now dead format. This deck has three cards that work on similar themes: Valduk, Champion of the Flame, and Krenko. It should still do OK with a background of Goblins and a four drop lord. It is definitely not linear. Decisions need to be made about which of these three targets get equipment, auras, or in-battle instant boosts.

Depending on which target shows up, games go in different directions, which is cool. This game has mana screw and was all Valduk.

Here, I gave all equipment to Valduk and attacked with Krenko (unaided).

Here, the enchantment aura went to Krenko, and the equipment to Valduk.

Any one of the three targets can hit hard early.

All Valduk.

Valduk got enchantment auras and Krenko attacked boosted by an instant.