The absence of an automated player for Magic online (MTGO) causes in my opinion that some players use casual play in the Just for Fun room as a punching bag for powerful decks. I think there are multiple groups of players who do this: some players want to have fun while destroying a casual deck; some players want to see how their deck plays out before taking it into the Tournament Practice room. Either way its no fun when I am playing a casual jank deck and I encounter one of these decks. Here are some examples.
Here I played against a very powerful Grixis deck.
Here my opponent plays a Violent Ultimatum.
Another board wipe.
And then
Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker takes my creature over... sigh.
Here is a player with a lot of disposable income for foil bling.
Master of Cruelties brings back fond memories.
And this player has a deck full of money cards more fitting for play in Tournament Practice.
Here is that player reanimating
Griselbrand and cleaning up Infect counters with
Restoration Angel. Not fair!