Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My current collection online

...after adding four copies of the 2013 online deck builder's toolkit ($5 each, comes without the booster packs of the equivalent physical product). With these cards I now have 30 percent more of the M13 cards towards completing the set online.

I have some completion for these four sets. I am still debating if its worth buying more online packs and buying from the online retailers to redeem a complete set of one of these. These sets complete sell for between $100 and $150 in ebay. I need to figure out how much the online cost is versus just buying from ebay. I am guessing that the folks who sell these redeemed sets are in clans that win lots of packs in tournaments. For a new player like me, there is no winning of packs, as you can tell from the games I have lost in sealed events.

Here are these sets in detail.